Minor parties get their say on TV3

Minor party leaders to get individual interviews on Campbell LiveThe minor parties were furious when TV3 announced that they were cancelling the Campbell Live leaders debate due to John Key and Helen Clark pulling out. However, today brings some relief to the leaders of parties such as ACT, the Maori Party, and the Greens as TV3 have welcomed them back on air.

The leaders of the minor parties will all appear individually on Campbell Live each night at 7.00pm. The interviews will begin tomorrow night with NZ First leader Winston Peters.

Helen Clark and John key have also got their wish - TV3 have announced a head-to-head leaders debate scheduled for Monday 3 November at 7:30pm. The debate will be hosted by John Campbell but will not feature a studio audience, meaning that 'the worm' will not be returning for this election.


Tim Selwyn said...

Minor parties right of reply debate on Alt TV (Sky 65) tonight 8pm. I believe Hide, Sharples and Russel Norman will be there.

Media Blogger said...

Great news Tim! Wish I got Alt on Freeview.