Many angry with TV3

Maori are angry at the 60 Minutes report Close to the BoneNewstalkZB has reported that Northland hapu Matarahurahu laid a complaint with the Broadcasting Standards Authority over last night's 60 Minutes story on Maori cannibalism. Matarahurahu leader David Rankin is also apparently considering taking the matter to the Waitangi Tribunal.

Rankin's main problem with the "Close to the bone" report was that it showed footage of interference in Maori burial sites. He says tampering with the remains of the dead is sacrilegious for Maori and that the remains of ancestors of the region were mistreated during the report.

The judge is also mad.

The High Court judge overseeing the murder trial of Liam James Reid is reportedly furious at TV3. The network screen pictures of the accused this morning after being refused permission by the judge.

Justice Chisholm said the reason he didn't want them shown was because identification was going to be a crucial issue in the case.

A police officer saw the broadcast and alerted the judge immediately.

Justice Chisholm has said the breach is "absolutely unbelievable" and has ordered the TV3 footage be brought to court.

A TV3 reporter was apparently seen running from the court clutching her cell phone once the judge delivered his stern admonition.