Taranaki televisions require re-tuning after TVNZ fault

TVNZTaranaki television repairs man Laurie Cadman spoke to RadioLIVE's Marcus Lush this morning saying he has been inundated with work after the TVNZ transmission fault Media Fetish reported on last week.

The fault occured last week after bad weather saw the TV One transmittor on Mount Taranaki receive extentive water damage. It happened during the middle of Moss Burmester's race at the Beijing Olympics, and fearing complaints from Olympic viewers TVNZ decided to change the transmission of TV One onto the TV2 frequency until the error was fixed.

Confused Taranaki residents fiddled with the tuning on their television sets so much that Mr Cadman has had to hire extra staff to cope with the large numbers of people requiring their televisions to be re-tuned.

"I heard of one person who had channel 1 on channel 14," he said.

Mr Cadman told RadioLIVE that the transmission fault itself has still not been completely fixed.