TV Guide's Shortland Street spoiler - Maia Jeffries killed Ethan Pierce

The latest edition of the TV Guide features this spoiler story revealing that Maia Jeffries killed Ethan Pierce in TV2's Shortland Street. In a suprising move, the TV Guide has today revealed that it was nurse Maia Jeffries (Anna Julienne) who shot surgeon Ethan Pierce (Owen Black) dead in last year's season finale of TV2's Shortland Street.

The TV Guide says that in tonight's episode of Shortland Street Alice Piper (Toni Potter) will undergo hypnotherapy that reveals Maia was the shooter. Alice had previously been unable to remember who else was at the house as she was extremely intoxicated at the time.

In a Media Fetish poll, Maia was the third choice as Ethan's killer - after Brooke Freeman (Beth Allen) and Alice.

The story features the warning "Caution! Spoiler Alert" in the top left corner, however many fans are now expressing their annoyance at the article for ruining the storyline, as the small message in the corner could hardly stop a reader from realising what the article is about (see image above).

It was an interesting move by the TV Guide, and it is not yet clear whether it was a publicity stunt arranged with TVNZ, or if the magazine went against the wishes of the broadcaster in order to increase their own sales.

The character of Maia is still featured in the shows synopsis over the next few weeks, so soap fans who were expecting to see the killer dragged away in chains this week will have to keep waiting!


Anonymous said...

That pic reminds me of the pictures of Joey after you found out he was the killer!