PRIME: Xcess - free-to-air channel screens hardcore porn

PRIMEWell for about 5 minutes anyway...

Sky's free-to-air channel PRIME accidentally broadcast content from hardcore pornography channel SPICE: Xcess at 3.00pm this afternoon during Toyota Grassroots Rugby. Blogger 'Lucas73' from Throng says that "the channel played hardcore porn scenes for a few minutes until the XXX movie "Desperate Blackwives 2" began playing". This continued for approximately 5 minutes, until being replaced by a static Sky logo.

This can only be described as a disastrous mistake for Sky and PRIME, and considering the recent feuds between Sky and other networks such as TVNZ, it will be interesting to see the media responses.

On tonight's PRIME NEWS, Eric Young apologised on behalf of Sky.
TV3 reports their newsroom was "flooded" with calls regarding the issue.
Broadcasting Standards Authority say that in the most severe case PRIME could be taken off air for a period of time, as was the case for Alt TV earlier this year.


Boa Kim said...

Hi, Jake
I didn't know you are still blogging..
I found blogging very amusing :D

Good luck and hope it's find that I can come and read yours.. :)

Best of luck for your studies in S2


Media Blogger said...

Hey Boa, of course you can come read my blog! That's what they are here for!

Yeah, well there were a couple of things I found interesting so I thought why not put them on my blog!

Pretty crazy about PRIME though, I wonder if they will get in much trouble...