Jay Leno leaving Tonight show within a year

Jay LenoExecutives of United States television network NBC have announced that from June next year Conan O'Brien will replace Jay Leno as the host of The Tonight Show.

NBC reportedly wants to keep Leno - who replaced Tonight show host Johnny Carson in 1992 - employed with their network, finding him another presenting role. They expect the transition to run smoothly, however there is speculation that he may be poached to rival network ABC in hope of attracting more ratings than O'Brien in the Tonight show timeslot.

Despite rumours Leno will switch networks in 2009, NBC's Ben Silverman says "we really believe in the decisions we've made" and he is adamant that they will stick by them.

CBS's Tonight show rival Late Show with David Letterman screens in New Zealand on PRIME.


Anonymous said...

Does NZ TV even screen the Tonight Show? If your blog is, as you claim, about 'NZ Media & Communications', then should it not focus on...NZ media?
Just a friendly pointer.

Media Blogger said...

I believe the Tonight show used to be available to New Zealand viewers on CNBC.

It is not currently screening, but is an interesting piece of news.

The blog will sometimes contain a little bit of international flavour :)

Media Blogger said...

On another thought, TVNZ has the ABC/Disney contract - so perhaps if Leno moved to ABC starting up a rival show then we could see the show screen late nights on TV2?