Carly Flynn live from Australia

Tomorro's Sunrise will feature Carly Flynn live from Australia.As announced at the end of 3 News tonight, tomorrow's edition of Sunrise will feature Carly Flynn presenting live from the scene of the fires and extreme heat in Australia.

Sunrise has been rather interesting lately - Carly Flynn also spent time with the family of Halatau Naitoko, and there was a whole episode dedicated to 'P' addiction.

What surprises me though is the lack of advertising for these special features. I usually only see the one quick ad during 3 News each evening - this should be played more often throughout primetime.

In tonight's case, even the ad didn't mention Carly would be in Australia (as the ad was filmed on Friday) - the only mention of it that we got was a quick sentence from Carolyn Robinson at the end of the news bulletin.