TVNZ launch new website

TVNZ have launched a brand new website.TVNZ have today launched a brand new website, which now attempts to make their homepage a fully fledged news service.

TVNZ states that today sees the "complete redesign of", however it is so far only the news sections and the header that seem to have changed. The old pages for all of the TV channels have been squished under the new header, and the TVNZondemand section remains a completely separate website.

TVNZ say they will relaunch TVNZondemand later in 2009, presumably merging it with

While now looks a lot flasher, I am so far finding it a bit harder to navigate than their old site. That isn't helped by the constant flashing changes in every section of their homepage!

It may not be what it could have been, but it is an improvement.

What do you guys think of the new TVNZ website?